Soon I will have some pieces at Bonbon’s boutique 🙂
Thanks to vanessa who found the splace, we were exibiting at: Lauriergracht 160 the space was great, we shared it with 10 people ! *** at the entrance, a little…
Dear Everyone , With a great pleasure, I invite you to my new exibition ‘colors of life’ taking place during the B-side jewellery festival I will exibit with other jewellery…
I hope to see you there ! ♥
a little smeak p to my new jewellery that will be shown at B-side Lauriergracht 160, Amsterdam Open all days 12:00-18:00 (from 3 til 6 nov ) – drinks on…
Yesterday I went to the laser cutting to get my wooden pieces for my B-side pieces here you have a preview ! Back from Laser cutting ! was last…
For my new b-side pieces, I’m going abstract and colourfull, I made some try outs in paper and in the wood, I’m going to use before the laser cutting tomorow.…
It is growing but the stem looks weak… to be continued !
A pretty tomatos camaieu ( variations of the same colour ) before I eat them all and pull away the plant Monty Don said last friday, it was time to…
I don’t know where you live but here it is summer again ! the spinash are growing… I also have two cosmos flowering at the moment 🙂 was last modified:…