pour les français voici une nouvelle boutique en ligne, de vente direct de createurs, mise a jour plus regulierement et facile d’utilisation allez voir sur www.alittlemarket.com *** for the french…
finaly I managed to get some nice pieces out of the oven! soon they will become beautiful necklaces … ♥ patience pays off ! was last modified: November 6th, 2016…
Here is the first piece of my head jewellery, they will be available during the craftymarkt in the oosterpark this saturday , or an order, send me an email at…
I still have some necklace in stock and on sale ! Beads necklaces & chains Lenght around. 80 cm (except necklace with the orange ruban /black chain, size around 120cm…
AH AH finaly you’re red !! 5 red tomatos , yihi !
THE KULTER GARDEN PARTY On the 4 of july was the opening of the kulter garden party ,the first exibition I co-organise! It was a mix of jewellerly, textil and…
on the 19th of june, I participate to the ‘nuit blanche‘ festival, a night festival in Amsterdam where the city is for 12 hours transformed into a podium for several…
This ia new plant I boghy recently, it likes its new habitat and it made me some great colourful flowers. This one also have great colours, a pale yellow very…
I will join the exibition this saturday at Meneer de Wit, come have a look and a drink ! Les Avant Nu has been appointed the roll of curator…
tomorow you will have some updates on my garden, I just let you see one of my wonderful tomatos !