Grace à Instagram, j’ai pu découvrir le magnifique blog d’Urban jungle bloggers, Urban Jungle blogueurs est une platforme animée par deux blogueurs: Igor de Happy Interior blog et Judith de
‘Chaque mois avec de nombreux autres blogueurs venant de partout dans le monde, ils partagent des idées pour créer une jungle urbaine à travers des idées de style, de bricoleurs et les trucs et astuces vertes.
Apportons un peu de vert dans nos maisons et nos blogs!’
Le challenge du mois de septembre s’intitule : Plants & art
Je profite donc de l’occasion pour vous montrer mes collages de plantes extraordinaires ainsi que ma plante favorite ma Crassula golum, que j’ai eu tout bébé mais qui a bien grandi depuis ( je la nourri avec mon fertilisant liquide ! ) Pourquoi elle a une forme bizarre me direz vous ? et bien tout simplement dans mon ancien appartement, elle a du pousser entre les tuyaux du chauffage ( oui aux pays-bas, il sont souvent apparents ), d’ou la forme spéciale !
Thanks to Instagram, I was able to discover the wonderful blog of Urban jungle bloggers, Urban jungle bloggers is a platform hosted by two bloggers: Igor from Happy Interior Blog and Judith from:
‘Every month we and many other bloggers from around the globe share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs, and green tips & tricks.Let’s bring some green into our homes and blogs! ‘
The challenge of September is: Plants & Art
I take then this opportunity to show you my extraordinary plants collages and my favorite plant: the Crassula golum, I had it since it was a baby but it has grown since (I fed it with my liquid fertilizer!) Why does it have an odd shape you’ll ask? Simply because in my previous apartment, it had to grow between the heating pipes (yes in the Netherlands, it is often apparent), therefore the special shape!
Plants & art was last modified: November 6th, 2016 by patricia
J’ai pu faire un bond dans le passé en utilisant ce ‘vieux’ photomaton, il prend 4 photos comme dans le temps, c’est du noir et blanc et il te développe une bande de 4 photos avec un super grain qui me manque tellement avec les photomatons ‘moderne’.
Someone found a DeLorean and brought us a good old photo booth
that you can’t find (much) more .
The last time I went to give my films for developping at the Lomo shop in Amsterdam, I was able to leap into the past using the ‘old’ photo booth, it takes 4 photos in a row, It’s black and white and it will develop you a strip of 4 photos
with a super grain that I miss so much with the ‘modern’ photo booths .
Last week, I saw that the Hema sold some fish eyes lens for your mobile phone!
You know I love having fun with photography, like with my Diana mini.
I had to buy one ( they cost only 4 euros, which is unbelievable ! ) of course, I had to visit 3 Hema to find one left but I got it 🙂
If your camera is in metal, it is magnetic, you click it on,
Otherwise, you put it inside your phone after removing the back but mine doesn’t open so I glued a little metal ring around the camera that is in the packet, and it works fine!
I’ll show you more pictures in the future …
Fish eye lens from the hema was last modified: June 16th, 2017 by patricia